Category: Residential Electric

Why Are My Lights Flickering Constantly?

Why Are My Lights Flickering Constantly?

As a one-time occurrence, a flickering light bulb can be a spooky surprise that you simply shake off. However, if the problem persists, this can indicate that there’s a larger electrical problem in the works.

Do your lights keep flickering with no signs of stopping? You’ll want to resolve this issue as soon as possible to ensure your electrical system remains safe.

There are many potential reasons why your lights are flickering constantly. Sometimes this problem can have a quick, simple fix. In other cases, you may need to seriously overhaul your electrical system to prevent an electrical fire.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s go over what causes lights to flicker.

Loose Light Bulbs

When discussing what causes lights to flicker, it can be helpful to start with the basics. More often than not, if you notice flickering lights in your home, this can be fixed by tightening your light bulbs. If the bulb is loose in the socket, it will only get intermittent electrical power, which can cause it to blink in and out unexpectedly.

Have you tightened all your light bulbs? If so, remember to check your plugs as well. Loose light plugs can also cause flickering to occur.

Incompatible Light Bulbs

Do you use LED bulbs? If so, using LEDs with an incompatible dimmer switch could be why your lights are flickering constantly.

Most dimmer switches can’t handle the low electrical voltage of LED bulbs. If you think your LEDs could be causing this issue to occur, you may want to consider using different light bulbs or replacing your dimmer with a model that can accommodate them.

Overloaded Circuit

Are you still wondering what causes lights to flicker? Then, it might be time to look closer at your home’s electrical panel.

Believe it or not, your electrical system might be unable to handle all your appliances and devices. For example, if you have large appliances and notice flickering lights, you could be dealing with an overloaded circuit.

Many warning signs can indicate a circuit overload. Besides blinking light fixtures, be on the lookout for tripping circuit breakers, burning odors, and outlets that are warm to the touch. If you think an overloaded circuit breaker could be the culprit behind this problem, don’t hesitate to call an electrician for help. An expert might suggest installing a new circuit to fix the issue, among other suitable solutions.

Faulty Wiring

Damaged wiring is nothing to laugh about. Faulty or loose wiring is a major problem that could be why your lights are flickering constantly — and can also lead to serious house fires if you aren’t careful.

If you think your electrical system could have loose connections, contact a professional electrician as soon as possible. During an inspection, the electrician will look for loose service conductors. Afterward, they’ll provide you with a solution that will thoroughly address the problem. The longer you ignore the problem, the riskier the situation can become.

Have Electrical Problems? Call the Experts for Help!

Hopefully, this guide will help you understand why your lights are flickering constantly. Your electrical system is complicated, so it stands to reason that there are many potential reasons why this issue can occur.

Now that you know what causes lights to flicker, turn to Staley Electric for all of your electrical needs in Little Rock, AR, and the surrounding areas! We offer everything from outlet repairs to electrical panel replacements to keep your home safe and comfortable.

Whether you’re looking for a circuit breaker, outlet, or generator electrician, we have the solutions you’re looking for. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

Why Is My Electric Bill So High?

Have you ever opened your electricity bill, only to be met with a jaw-dropping, eye-popping number that seems much higher than what you were expecting? If so, you’re not alone. Having a high electric bill that’s unexplainable can be frustrating, especially when you’re already trying to stay within budget. But fear not — because we’re here to help you uncover the most common reasons for high electric bills and show you a few tricks to help you save money in the long run.

So, why is your electric bill so high, exactly? We’ll discuss a few possible culprits in more detail below.

Your Appliances and Electronics are Energy Hogs

One of the most common reasons why your electric bill is so high is your appliances and electronics. Older appliances are some of the biggest energy hogs, consuming large amounts of electricity over the course of a year.

If you have some appliances that have been with you for over a decade, it might be time to upgrade them. Energy Star-certified appliances, for example, are known for being highly energy efficient, meaning they’re designed to conserve the most energy and can help you save money on your electric bill.

Your Regular Light Bulbs are Letting You Down

Did you know that using incandescent light bulbs could be one of the reasons for high electric bills? If you think this could possibly be the case for you, it’s time to upgrade to LED or other energy-efficient options.

You must know that LED lights last longer than incandescent bulbs and use significantly less electricity, which will most likely be reflected in your bill. Although switching out a single bulb may not make a huge difference, making the switch over your entire home can lead to significant savings in the long run.

LED lights are a cost-effective option, as they require less wattage to produce the same amount of light as an incandescent bulb. Plus, they last much longer and don’t produce as much heat as their incandescent counterparts, which means less work for your HVAC system.

You’re Heating Water More Than You Should

While hot water is a necessity, heating too much water or letting the shower run longer than needed can add up. So, although water heaters are crucial to everyday life, relying on the one in your home too often could be why your electric bill is so high.

You can cut down your bill by using an energy-efficient water heater. Plus, cutting back on your showers, taking cooler baths, and washing your clothes with cold water ensures that you’re using your hot water in the most efficient way possible.

Utility Company’s Rates and Electricity Usage

Although there are many reasons for high electric bills that you have control over, there are some that may not be entirely in your hands. For example, utility companies fluctuate with the seasons, and they tend to hike their rates — particularly during high usage periods.

Plus, you may have been using more electricity lately, especially if the weather has changed or you’ve had visitors staying in your home. Keep watch for any rate increases, and be mindful of your electricity usage. You can reduce your usage by doing things like turning off lights when you leave a room, unplugging electronics you’re not using, turning off your air conditioning unit while you’re out, and so on.

Your HVAC System Requires Attention

Your HVAC system is, undoubtedly, one of your home’s most significant energy consumers. As a result, a poorly-maintained air conditioner or heating system could be why your electric bill is so high.

For example, a dirty filter makes it harder for air to circulate, forcing your HVAC system to work overtime and consume more energy at a higher rate. Make replacing these filters a priority. If you have an older system, it could require a replacement. Plus, you can help your system operate more efficiently by sealing windows and doors, adding insulation, and using curtains and blinds to block out heat in the warmer months.

How to Save Money on Your Electric Bills

So, do you want to know how you can save money on your monthly bills? If so, it’s important to understand how your electricity bill is calculated. Your electric bill is measured per kilowatt-hour, which is the cost of using 1,000 watts of energy for an hour. You can calculate your own rates by looking at your bill and comparing it to previous months. Once you know how much you’re spending, you can start saving energy and seeing a reduction in your monthly electric bill.

Schedule Services With Our Professional Electricians Today!

It’s no secret that there can be many reasons for high electric bills. However, you can take control of your monthly expenses by being mindful of the many different factors that affect your energy usage.

Are you ready to upgrade to energy-efficient LED lights, or do you have another electrical project in mind? Call the experts at Staley Electric! We specialize in everything from security lighting installations to electrical panel repair. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

When to Replace Old Electrical Wiring

When to Replace Old Electrical Wiring

Understanding when to replace old electrical wiring is an essential part of home ownership. A properly wired system can make a significant difference in the safety and functionality of your home. This comprehensive guide provides everything you need to know about when electrical wiring should be replaced, the signs of faulty wiring, and the necessary steps you should take.

The Lifespan of Electrical Wiring

One of the first considerations in determining when to replace old electrical wiring is the age of the system. The majority of electrical wiring systems, particularly copper electrical wiring, have a lifespan of around 30 years. But that doesn’t mean your wiring will automatically fail or become unsafe after three decades. Instead, it’s a guideline suggesting that homeowners start paying closer attention to their electrical system around this time.

The Dangers of Old Electrical Wiring

Old or damaged wiring can lead to various complications, including short circuits and electrical fires. Furthermore, if your circuit breaker trips frequently or you notice flickering lights, these may be signs that it’s time to replace your wiring. More severe issues can include damage to your appliances or an increased risk of electrical shock.

Spotting Old Wiring Systems

Knowing how to spot old or failing wiring can also help you understand when electrical wiring should be replaced. This can save you time, money, and potentially prevent a disaster. Aluminum electrical wiring was commonly used in homes built before the 1970s and is more prone to cause fires than the currently used copper wiring. A fuse box is another indication of an older electrical system, as most modern homes use circuit breakers.

Tell-Tale Signs of Failing Electrical Wiring

Apart from the visible signs, there are several other indicators that can tell you when electrical wiring should be replaced. For instance, experiencing a burning smell but being unable to locate the source, finding discolored or sparking outlets, hearing unusual buzzing sounds, or relying heavily on extension cords for your electrical needs are all red flags.

When Should Electrical Wiring Be Replaced?

Generally, you should consider replacing your electrical wiring:

  • If your home is over 30 years old and the wiring has never been replaced.
  • When you’re frequently experiencing flickering lights, tripped breakers, or blown fuses.
  • If you’re remodeling or adding on to your home.
  • When there are clear signs of damaged wiring, such as frayed or chewed wires.

Licensed electricians are the best resource for determining when to replace old electrical wiring. They have the skills, training, and equipment to thoroughly inspect your electrical system and suggest the best course of action.

Understanding the Replacement Process

An electrical contractor will first assess your home’s wiring system to determine its condition. Then, they’ll provide a plan and estimate for the replacement process. Be prepared for some disruption to your daily routine, as the job might require cutting into walls and ceilings to access old wiring.

Contact Our Expert Electricians Today in Little Rock, AR!

Understanding when to replace old electrical wiring is crucial for every homeowner. It not only ensures the smooth operation of your electrical appliances but, more importantly, guarantees the safety of your home and its occupants.

With the help of licensed electricians and regular checks, you can prevent electrical fire risks, short circuits, and other hazards associated with old or damaged wiring. Remember, the consequences of ignoring signs of aged or faulty wiring can be severe. So, if you spot the signs, take action swiftly and prioritize your home’s electrical health.

At Staley Electric, our professional electricians are here to help with all of your needs. We’re proud to offer a wide range of services, from electrical wiring repair to security lighting installations. Contact us today to learn more about our services, or schedule an appointment today in Little Rock, AR, or the surrounding area!